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The entire day in the same workspace: behind a desk, in front of a machine or standing at reception. What toll does this take on your physical wellbeing? Is working from home really good for you? In what position do you sit behind the PC? These are important questions that affect our health both directly and indirectly on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the majority of people wait until it's too late and have developed physical symptoms. We'd like to help you prevent this happening by optimalizing the way you work.
Companies with more than 15 employees are required to have an employee representative specialized in health and safety. Experience has taught us that these employees do their best but often lack the knowledge and experience to initiate simple changes that make a more pleasant work environment.
Better at work provides affordable advice. We'll pay a visit to your place of work and give you direct tips within 30 minutes. We can also provide a report for you, your employer or occupational health. We can also treat your symptoms, should you have any.
We travel free of charge to the following places: Ede, Bennekom, Wageningen, Renkum, Veenendaal, Ederveen, Lunteren, Wekerom, Harskamp and Otterlo.